Friday, August 21, 2009

What a Week

Well, it looks like the great times from the weekend decided to spill over into the week. The cool thing about this week was it's impromtu-ness (is that a word?). I was expecting it to be much more work then play and definitely more stress then fun. Here are some of the highlights.

Monday - Mondays are Mondays and I can usually count on 2 things, work and stress. Around 3:30 my cell phone starts to vibrate but I can't answer it because I am in a meeting. Finally, around 5:30 I check the voicemail and get the most pleasant surprise. Our neighbors want to have us for dinner to celebrate Sherry's birthday. So instead of grilled burgers, ice tea and sitcom reruns, it's bolognese, great wine and talking with friends.

Tuesday - Back to the grind at work. However I managed to leave early so it's out for a ride. Few things help me unwind faster after a long day then rolling along on my bike. I was supposed to do speed intervals but I determined very quickly that wasn't going to happen. Instead, I decided to do endurance intervals. That didn't happen either. Ultimately, I simply decided enjoy being on the bike.

As I ride towards Oakmont I see my friend, Julie, riding towards me with 2 women I didn't know. Turns out she didn't know them either. She started riding with her tri-group, got dropped, made a wrong turn and got lost in the maze that is Oakmont. The 2 women she was riding with were helping her get back to her car.

I invite her to join me and the original ride of speed intervals is now a leisurely ride with a friend. We were riding and chatting and having a great time until we found her tri-group who were fixing a flat tire. They all started talking immediately about what happened while I circle near by feeling like a creepy old man in a trench coat hanging out by the girls locker room. I finally realized she was riding back with them so off I go to finish my ride. In the end, it was another great evening.

Wednesday - Work, work, work! Stress, stress, stress! I get home to discover that Sherry has skipped Jazzercise. She has also made a apricot tart. Since neither of us want to cook dinner it's off to Riviera. We had a great dinner with lots of cycling talk and even more flirtation from Gianluca. We decline dessert because of the apricot tart back home. Gianluca starts going on and on about how much he loves apricots. So we head back home and, after taste testing the tart, we take a couple of slices back to him. His face was one of pure joy and the highlight of another great night.

Thursday - Meeting, meeting, meeting! Stress, stress, stress! I ended Thursday with another bike ride. This time I was much more serious and headed to Fountaingrove for hill repeats. So 22 miles, and 1600 feet, later I was back home and stress free. After another "we don't feel like cooking conversation" it was time for pizza and relaxation.

So there you have it. It has been a great week. What does today have in store? It's Friday so it doesn't really matter. I just need to get through the day because tomorrow 10 or so of us are riding King Ridge to prepare for the Gran Fondo. What a perfect way to end a great week.


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Unknown said...

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