Monday, January 3, 2011

Looking in both directions

Well, the first ride for 2011 is already in the books.  So is the first run of the year.  The ride was a short 21 mile affair under the threat of rain.  The run was a 3.7 mile torture fest that still has me walking funny as a result of very sore legs since this was first run in over a year.  I’ll let you decide which one of these activities I enjoyed the most.

Jan2 Pic1 As I was riding along, enjoying the beautiful winter day, I couldn’t help but to reflect on the 2010 cycling year.  I was also wondering what excitement 2011 has in store.  I really do enjoy reflecting on what was and what’s to come, so as I slowly rolled along I allowed my mind to go with the flow as well.

In hindsight, 2010 was a very unique year for me.  I was more involved with the cycling community then ever before.  I helped with the Tour of California, I did a lot of work putting together and leading rides for Team Revolution presented by Fitness Journal, I marshalled Levi Leipheimer’s Gran Fondo, and I joined forces with my friend Carmen who is putting together the first Steven Cozza’s Giro Bella Classic starting in 2011.  Yes, it was a very busy year.

The one thing that was slightly off in 2010 was my riding.  Not only did I not get in the number of miles I am used to, they were a different kind of miles.  In 2008, while training for the Terrible Two, I rode 5,707 miles.  In 2009, I was back down to my norm at 4,771 miles (I usually ride just under 5,000 miles a year).  However, in 2010 I only managed to get in 3,617 miles.  This was mostly due to battling a few colds and an exceptionally cold summer but I also struggled to find my mojo in 2010.

The lack of mojo in 2010 can be summed up in one line.  I did not do enough social rides.  Instead, I found myself in full-on hammerfests or rides where the goal seemed to be racing to the next regroup.  The bottom line – I spent a lot miles chasing the group while riding alone which left me with very tired legs and very little desire to join the next ride.

Fortunately, Coach Tim put me on an off-season plan that has completely turned my mojo around.  Perhaps that explains why I was out braving the rain on Sunday versus hanging with my friends in the spin class at the Airport Club.

With all that as a back drop, my plan for 2011 can also be summed up in one line – more social rides.  For me the joy of cycling is rolling along, laughing with friends, and enjoying the feeling of being alive.  I need to do more of that.  Scratch that!  I will be doing more of that in 2011.

IMG_0448Now, on to the grand plans for 2011.  To begin with, I am once again off to France in June to climb Mont Ventoux for the third time.  This time however I will have company on the bike.  Some of my friends are making the trip with me and we will be doing the climb together.  It’s kind of a 50th birthday ride celebration for yours truly.

I am also going to try and do a few events that I always meant to do but never got around to such as the Tour of the Unknown Coast.  There are still a few mountains within easy driving distance, like Atlas Peak, Mount Tamalpais, and Mount Diablo, that I still need to conquer.  Finally, my Gran Fondo Marshall partner Jeff has already informed me we are marshalling the 100 mile route versus the 65 mile route in 2011.

There you have it.  A 2010 cycling year that I am glad to have behind me and a 2011 year full of promise.  As I plan my various rides you can count on one thing.  There will be someone with me laughing and telling stories as we roll along on our next adventure.


3 Comment(s):

amy said...

wow that's an awesome way to celebrate your birthday!

oh, and i hope to be out there marshalling with you guys this year!

Nicole said...

Happy New Year Lee!! I hope your Mojo finds you as much as I hope mine finds me! :)

dan said...

sounds like a great plan! I'm sure I will be leading at least a couple of Mt Diablo rides, so hopefully you can come to one of those!