Monday, April 11, 2011

And, he’s back!!!

January 24, 2011.  That was the last time  I posted a blog on Lee’s Life Adventure.  This is definitely the longest unplanned break but as many of you know, life happens!  It’s been a crazy busy year so far but it’s finally starting to return to normal, whatever that is.  Here’s a recap to get you caught up.

alphonse The biggest issue has been work.  As some of you know, I was selected to attend Western CUNA Management School last year (think of a mini-MBA program for credit unions).  This is quite an honor but it also comes with a bit of a price tag.  Between classes, held in July at Pomona College, there is a significant project that must be completed.  How significant?  Well, let’s just say that 250 (or more) hours and 170 pages after starting it, I managed to get it shipped off on March 29th to meet the April 1st deadline for receiving honors or high honors from my reviewer.  Of course, it also has to be damn good to receive to received such accolades.  I am confident it is a respectable effort but won’t know the result until our next class in July.

Snow in the hills on a very cold ride. Now, all that school work might have hindered my blogging but it did not interfere with riding.  No, it was Mother Nature that filled that role.  We had a very cold and wet winter this year and getting out on the bike was a bit of challenge (March was the second wettest month on record).  Still, I’ve already had some great rides with friends and the season is just starting so I know there will be many more. 

From the cycling perspective, perhaps the most interesting thing is my new unofficial team role with Team Revolution presented by Fitness Journal.  Last year, I was one of the B ride leaders however we never really got on track as a group.  This year, there were three of us that took charge as it were and we now have the B rides rolling along nicely.  During this time, I somehow became an unofficial leader.  It’s a role I enjoy so no complaints here.  However, it does mean I’ve spent a fair amount of time creating and leading rides, posting rides through email and on Facebook, and trying to provide post-ride comments on Facebook as well.  All of this was designed to re-energize the B riders and it seems to be working if I do say so myself. 

I am also training for a half-marathon in May but I will save that for another blog. 

So, there’s a quick update on my world.  It is returning to normal so the adventures should start to occur with more frequency.  Hopefully, I will also have the time and energy to write about them.

Until then . . .


1 Comment(s):

Anonymous said...

welcome back Lee!! I've been lame-o in the blog writing category due to school as well!! :)